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Personal Web Page

El Inca Llora (a song about Peru)
El Inca Llora
El Inca Llora
Copyright © 2003 Don Burns

Yo iba caminando
I went walking
Por la orilla del mar (bis)
Along the shore of the ocean
Blancas olas reventaban en la playa
White waves crashed along the beach
Y el sol penetraba la neblina
And the sun penetrated the fog
Pero en el canto de las aves marina
But in the song of the sea birds
Se oia el grito, Libertad! (bis)
One could hear the cry, Liberty!

Peru, Peru
Hay tristeza en la belleza de la tierra
There is sadness in the beauty of the land
Peru, Peru
Hay temor en las colinas de la sierra
There is fear in mountains
Peru, Peru
En la cuesta de una montan~a
On the peak of a high mountain
El Inca Llora
The Inca weeps

Yo iba caminando
I went walking
Senderos de la sierra (bis)
Along mountain paths
Blancas Nubes rodeaban las colinas
White clouds surrounded the mountain tops
Y el sol sonreia en los valles
And the sun smiled upon the valleys
Pero en el rostro del humilde campesino
On the face of the humble country man
Hay sangre derramada, despreciada (bis)
There is shed blood, disdained

Hay lluvia en la selva
There is rain in the jungle
Hay truenos y relampagos (bis)
There is thunder and lightning
Hay secretos que esconde el monte
There are secrets that are hidden by the bush
Los rios huyen al horizonte
The rivers rush to the horizon
Lavando la patria de los pecados
Washing the country of the sins
Cometidos por corruptos gobernantes
Committed by corrupt leaders


Added for Donna:
Hoy canto recordando
Today I sing in rememberance
La vida de mi hermana (bis)
Of the life of my sister
Sabemos que el Senor da nueva vida
We know that the Lord gives new life
Pero sentimos el dolor de despedida
But we feel the pain of the good-bye
Hija, Madre, Esposa, hermana,
Daughter, Mother, Wife, Sister
Abuela, y de corazon, peruana (bis)
Grandma, and in her heart, Peruvian

Peru, Peru
Hay tristeza en la belleza de la tierra
There is sadness in the beauty of the land
Peru, Peru
Hay amor que compartiste en la sierra
There is love that you shared in the mountains
Peru, Peru
En la cuesta de una montana,
On the peak of a high mountain
El Inca Llora!
The Inca weeps.