How many are there in a book? triple strength l carnitine 1500 mg reviews Well we are all glad you shared your “personal” opinion quidproquo! I am not an environmentalist and not opposed to alternative fuels either. However, I am tired of hearing people complain about fracking and tar sand oil and all of the supposed environmental problems that go with them. When are we going to get a comprehensive energy policy from ANY administration that will take us past the next election cycle??? Why do people insist on continuing to move our hard currency out of our economy and put it into Arab states that hate us??? Oh sure lets put mega environmental regulations on our oil and gas industry so we can lose more manufacturing jobs to China and India and all of those other fine countries who basically could care less about global warming… As an American I am for producing our own natural gas and oil from our soil and from our peaceful neighbors that don’t want to kill all the infidels. I hope I am not the only person who feels this way?