We've got a joint account health-trail.com As we saw in the recent housing bubble, a government guarantee, even an implicit one, artificially inflates the price of housing. That may sound good at first, but who is really better off with higher home prices? Certainly not buyers. They have to put together a larger down payment and take on more debt. Lenders and mortgage investors do not clearly benefit either. A bubble that bursts only ends up saddling homeowners, investors and taxpayers with hopelessly underwater bad loans. From experience, we know that the guarantee leads to an underestimation of credit risk, which did in many lenders during the recent financial crisis. The home seller may benefit from government inflated home price, but that potential benefit is negated if they intend to buy another home. Moreover, if the seller has kids, they may end up living with their parents longer than planned because they can't afford to move out.