We're at university together lexapro or zoloft better for anxiety As a child – and as a parent – I watched a lot of Sesame Street. I'm a big fan of Bert & Ernie and their antics. I can still sing most of the lyrics to "Rubber Duckie" and "Doin' the Pigeon" from memory. They are funny, engaging characters who demonstrate to children that people – no matter how different they might be in temperament, likes, dislikes and personalities – can still be the best of friends. But they are also, as apparently has been lost on some people, Muppets – a combination marionette and foam rubber puppet invented decades ago – also in the Washington, D.C. area by the legendary Jim Henson and his wife Jane. Muppets are not people and, while they are in many cases gender specific they, as the Sesame Workshop felt compelled to point out Thursday, "do not have a sexual orientation." Nonetheless someone out there thinks they would be useful to further a point about sexual identity.